Our Impact

Making Progress & Addressing Challenges

Since its inception, Episcopal Charities has donated more than $3.5 million to support the needs of the poor and needy.

Episcopal Charities of Southeast Florida, Inc. (EC) was originally established in 1999, as the Southeast Florida Episcopal Foundation directed to support planned giving efforts of the diocese. In 2006, following a $2.9 M bequest to EC from Blair and Agnes Smith, parishioners of St. Nicholas, Pompano Beach, EC changed its name to Episcopal Charities of Southeast Florida to reflect the enhanced grant making mission of the organization.​

As a part of this new direction, EC focused its grant making process on feeding, clothing, shelter and healthcare for youth, the elderly and families.

In 2010, the board approved a Small Grants Program, designed to quickly and easily assist congregations seeking no more than $1000 to support new or expanded parish run ministries. In 2017, two Small Grants were added to fund companion diocesan ministries.

Today, EC funds nearly 45 ministries and programs each year throughout the Diocese. EC continues to move toward funding transformational programs that address long term change and unjust structures. An example is the establishment of a Community I.D. Program to address the needs of homeless men and women and undocumented people who have no other way to obtain an I.D.

Working with Legal Aid and other nonprofits to administer this county-wide program, homeless and undocumented people would be able to open bank accounts, visit patients in hospitals, and possibly keep a person stopped for driving without a license from going to jail.

Through Our Partnership 
With The Diocese Of Southeast Florida, Episcopal Charities:

  • Identifies and Disburses Diocesan Human Needs Funds to parish outreach programs.
  • Manages the Episcopal Charities Vision Fund and each year distributes 4% to congregations for outreach ministry.
  • Responds to and helps manage disaster relief efforts and funds designated for that effort.
  • Provides funds for Program Partners from a Program Emergency Fund set up to help with unforeseen emergencies.
  • Provides professional development and training for volunteers working in parish outreach ministries.

Parish Partners

In partnership with our congregations, Episcopal Charities has funded over 40 outreach ministries each year since 2000, and has awarded a total of $3.5 million in support. Annually, over 170,000 families, elderly and homeless people have been reached by more than 800 parishioners who volunteer in these programs.

Affiliated Organizations

Some Episcopal parishes partner with successful community nonprofit organizations and other churches to focus on problems that they, as congregations, can better address by combining resources.

Hammock House

After hurricane irma devastated the middle keys in mid-september 2017, hammock house was the only after school program to open up as the children went back to school

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Mary’s kitchen

Mary’s Kitchen provides a hot meal to homeless individuals and families, the working poor and many elderly on Wednesdays from 4:45-6:00 p.m. in the St. Mary’s community room.

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Paul’s Place

After hurricane irma devastated the middle keys in mid-september 2017, hammock house was the only after school program to open up as the children went back to school

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Hurricane Irma Response

Hurricane Irma hit the Florida Keys on September 10, 2017 as a Category 4 Hurricane, destroying or damaging over 10,000 homes and rendering thousands of people homeless.

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EC Mini Food Bank

Every Thursday, volunteers from churches in South Palm Beach and North Broward Counties gather at St. Gregory’s, Boca Raton to sort and deliver food purchased at very low cost by Episcopal Charities.

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Become Part of Our Legacy

You can help Episcopal Charities provide food, shelter, care and more to those in need in Southeast Florida.